This was the trip of a lifetime! My friend Erika plans out her travel years in advance, so when she was telling me about everything she had planned for this trip, I jokingly invited myself along. “Why not?!” she replied. So over a year later, October rolled around and we found ourselves headed to Boston, […]
November 13, 2023
Something different today– our family vacation to Hawaii! (Only, like, three months later… it’s fine. Am I the only photographer that always seems to push their personal photos to the bottom of the to-do list?) If beautiful places and travel aren’t your jam, you may want to skip today’s post 😉 First of all, I […]
January 17, 2020
Well, I officially have a toddl–… Nope. Still can’t say it. But my baby girl turned ONE yesterday, and I just cannot believe I have been so immensely blessed to be her mama for the past 366 days. To celebrate, we had a little fiesta, which (if we’re being honest) was picked mostly because I […]
June 19, 2017
I am so excited to announce that we welcomed our first child into the world almost 2 months ago! She has already grown so much, and we are absolutely in love!
August 15, 2016